Our Solutions

Facility Design

Council Collective can provide valuable input to you and your architectural and construction teams on design, layout and equipment. It may come as a surprise, but specialized cultivation facilities are not taught in architectural or design schools quite yet. Our team will ensure your facility’s design is ergonomic, workflow ready, sustainable over time, and most importantly cost efficient.

Dosatron, Nutrition delivery system, plant nutrition,

Pest and Pathogen Management

Many of the strategies traditionally used for the management of pests and diseases of cannabis fail due to different toxicological issues such as the resistance of target organisms and the impact on environmental and human health. Tactics in the industry have to evolved to be effective and minimize the risks and hazards without compromising the quality of the product. Our team specializes in measures to overcome pest and pathogens and we are ready to train your team on these processes.

Equipment & Supplies

We work hand-in-hand with the leading industry experts in:

  • Lighting

  • Fertigation

  • Nutrients

  • Automation

  • HVAC

  • Post-harvest Supplies

  • Greenhouse Supplies

  • Data Capture

  • and much more!

Cannabis facility, Greenhouse facility, Cannabis plants, Flowering Cannabis Plants, USA, Mixed lighting facility

Who We Work With